
A warm welcome to my faithful readers of Alacrity, don’t worry, all posts are transferred here for your reading pleasure.  To all the new readers, soon to be faithful too, here for the first time, welcome! I look forward to communicating with you and learning from you as we interact through my writing updates and blog posts. Here at Janshea Bowens, I want to foster interaction on the writing process, the relationships that make our lives an adventure, and good reads from me throughout the year.

I have been drowned in family life since I last posted about the detective series featuring Cormoran Strike, and there have been exciting updates. The book series has been transformed into a television series on BBC One. HBO has picked up the series for the rest of us and I can’t wait to check it out. Actor Tom Burke plays the title character and has been getting rave reviews for his portrayal. Each book has its own small season, a bit in the vein of other cable series, and hopefully we won’t run out of shows before the next book hits the bookshelves.

While it has been a while since last I graced your devices, I hope you enjoy looking around the newly launched site and stick around for whatever comes next.