Back To School Blues

Reading that, you may think I am talking about all the eager and not so eager students set to return to their new classrooms. I’m not. These back to school blues are all about the parents.

Here in Florida, we are headed back to school on Friday. Why are we headed back at the end of the week? I have no clue. They give the gift of time, then snatch it away. I may run for the school board just to remedy ideas like this one. Do you think that would help?

Well, why are we blue?

So, Friday is fast approaching, as I write this on Wednesday. And I have found myself highly unmotivated to reach any goals. Those little check marks on the to-do list of my bullet journal are satisfying. I don’t want to celebrate, too much. But I should be motivated for the start of routines and schedules and actual time to complete things. Yet, here I am waiting around as we march towards the end of summer. Soon, there will be no interruptions to mar my ability to get things done. But that isn’t going to matter as my procrastination increases my work load. Then I am going to feel worse when I do start.

I, like many of you, have plenty of things to do on any given day. Most days, new things are thrown in unexpectedly with a deadline of NOW. So keeping on top of the things that are always there is a really good idea. Lazily reading fun books, insightful books, and well, all the books, isn’t helping. My mood is good, but my to-do list is crying out. Seeing that list get longer and longer is really a mood killer. We need things to improve our moods. So the great feelings brought by reading are going to crash and burn around me.

What are we going to do?

Recognizing this, I am placing reminders in my bullet journal. These little jewels of wisdom should keep me on the right path. I am reminding myself of the huge drawback of putting things off. I have to follow the same advice I give the kids. Waiting or arguing about it, only makes it take longer. That 10 minute job just took 25 minutes. At this rate, my to-do list is going to go from a day of work to a week of it. Every day, I am placing one anti-procrastination note in my journal. I am starting with this one: The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started. 

So let’s get out there and get back to work.


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